The production environment consists of
- (optional but recommended)
and the databases
- TigerBeetle or Postgres (accounting)
- Postgres (Open Payments resources, auth resources)
- Redis (STREAM details, auth sessions)
To integrate Rafiki with your own services, view the integration documentation.
Running the production environment
Rafiki cannot be run by itself but needs at least a Postgres and a Redis instance running with it. If you prefer to use Tigerbeetle instead of Postgres for accounting, a Tigerbeetle instance is required as well.
An example Chart including Rafiki, Postgres, and Redis can be found here.
To install this chart, run
In this alpha version, by default, no ports are exposed. You can port-forward the frontend (Admin UI) port by running
Now, the Admin UI can be found on localhost:3010.
❗ Update at least the values.yaml file before running the example Chart in production.
Environment Variables
Variable | Helm Value Name | Default | Description |
ADMIN_PORT | backend.port.admin | 3001 | Admin API GraphQL Server port |
AUTH_SERVER_GRANT_URL | undefined | endpoint on the Open Payments Auth Server to request a grant | |
AUTH_SERVER_INTROSPECTION_URL | undefined | endpoint on the Open Payments Auth Server to introspect an access token | |
AUTO_PEERING_SERVER_PORT | 3005 | If auto-peering is enabled, its server will use this port | |
CONNECTOR_PORT | backend.port.connector | 3002 | port of the ILP connector for for sending packets over ILP over HTTP |
DATABASE_URL |, backend.postgresql.port, backend.postgresql.username, backend.postgresql.database, backend.postgresql.password | postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/development | Postgres database URL of database storing the resource data; For Helm, these components are provided individually. |
ENABLE_AUTO_PEERING | false | Flag to enable auto peering. View documentation. | |
ENABLE_SPSP_PAYMENT_POINTERS | true | enables SPSP route | |
EXCHANGE_RATES_LIFETIME | backend.lifetime.exchangeRate | 15_000 | time in milliseconds the exchange rates provided by the ASE via the EXCHANGE_RATES_URL are valid for |
EXCHANGE_RATES_URL | backend.serviceUrls.EXCHANGE_RATES_URL | undefined | endpoint on the Account Servicing Entity to request exchange rates |
GRAPHQL_IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_TTL_MS | backend.idempotencyTTL | 86400000 | TTL in milliseconds for idempotencyKey on GraphQL mutations (Admin API). Default: 24hrs |
GRAPHQL_IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_LOCK_MS | 2000 | TTL in milliseconds for idempotencyKey concurrency lock on GraphQL mutations (Admin API) | |
ILP_ADDRESS | backend.ilp.address | undefined | ILP address of this Rafiki instance |
ILP_CONNECTOR_URL | undefined | The ILP connector address where ILP packets are received. Communicated during auto-peering | |
INCOMING_PAYMENT_EXPIRY_MAX_MS | 2592000000 | Maximum milliseconds into the future incoming payments expiry can be set to on creation. Default: 30 days | |
INCOMING_PAYMENT_WORKERS | backend.workers.incomingPayment | 1 | number of workers processing incoming payment requests |
INCOMING_PAYMENT_WORKER_IDLE | backend.workerIdle | 200 | time in milliseconds that INCOMING_PAYMENT_WORKERS will wait until they check an empty incoming payment request queue again |
INSTANCE_NAME | undefined | this Rafiki instance’s name used to communicate for auto-peering | |
KEY_ID | | undefined | this Rafiki instance’s client key id |
LOG_LEVEL | backend.logLevel | info | Pino Log Level |
NODE_ENV | backend.nodeEnv | development | node environment, development , test , or production |
OPEN_PAYMENTS_PORT | backend.port.openPayments | 3003 | port of the Open Payments resource server port |
OPEN_PAYMENTS_URL | backend.serviceUrls.OPEN_PAYMENTS_URL | undefined | public endpoint of this Open Payments Resource Server |
OUTGOING_PAYMENT_WORKERS | backend.workers.outgoingPayment | 4 | number of workers processing outgoing payment requests |
OUTGOING_PAYMENT_WORKER_IDLE | backend.workerIdle | 200 | time in milliseconds that OUTGOING_PAYMENT_WORKERS will wait until they check an empty outgoing payment request queue again |
PRIVATE_KEY_FILE | backend.key.file | undefined | the path to this Rafiki instance’s client private key |
QUOTE_LIFESPAN | backend.lifetime.quote | 5 * 60_000 | time in milliseconds an Open Payments quote is valid for |
REDIS_TLS_CA_FILE_PATH | backend.redis.tlsCaFile | '' | Redis TLS config |
REDIS_TLS_CERT_FILE_PATH | backend.redis.tlsCertFile | '' | Redis TLS config |
REDIS_TLS_KEY_FILE_PATH | backend.redis.tlsKeyFile | '' | Redis TLS config |
REDIS_URL |, backend.redis.port | redis:// | Redis URL of database handling ILP packet data URL; For Helm, these components are provided individually. |
SIGNATURE_SECRET | backend.quoteSignatureSecret | undefined | secret to generate request header signatures for webhook event requests |
SIGNATURE_VERSION | 1 | version number to generate request header signatures for webhook event requests | |
SLIPPAGE | backend.ilp.slippage | 0.01 | accepted ILP rate fluctuation, default 1% |
STREAM_SECRET | backend.ilp.streamSecret | undefined | seed secret to generate shared STREAM secrets |
TIGERBEETLE_CLUSTER_ID | 0 | Tigerbeetle cluster ID picked by the system that starts the TigerBeetle cluster to create a Tigerbeetle client | |
TIGERBEETLE_REPLICA_ADDRESSES | 3004 | Tigerbeetle replica addresses for all replicas in the cluster, which are comma separated IP addresses/ports, to create a Tigerbeetle client | |
TRUST_PROXY | false | flag to use X-Forwarded-Proto header to determine if connections is secure | |
USE_TIGERBEETLE | true | flag - use TigerBeetle or Postgres for accounting | |
WALLET_ADDRESS_DEACTIVATION_PAYMENT_GRACE_PERIOD_MS | 86400000 | time in milliseconds into the future to set expiration of open incoming payments when deactivating wallet address. Default: 1 days | |
WALLET_ADDRESS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT_MS | 1500 | time in milliseconds the ASE has to create a missing wallet address until timeout | |
WALLET_ADDRESS_POLLING_FREQUENCY_MS | 100 | frequency of polling while waiting for ASE to create a missing wallet address | |
WALLET_ADDRESS_URL | backend.serviceUrls.WALLET_ADDRESS_URL | | this Rafiki instance’s internal wallet address |
WALLET_ADDRESS_WORKERS | backend.workers.walletAddress | 1 | number of workers processing wallet address requests |
WALLET_ADDRESS_WORKER_IDLE | backend.workerIdle | 200 | time in milliseconds that WALLET_ADDRESS_WORKERS will wait until they check an empty wallet address request queue again |
WEBHOOK_MAX_RETRY | backend.webhookMaxRetry | 10 | maximum number of times Rafiki backend retries sending a certain webhook event to the configured WEBHOOK_URL |
WEBHOOK_TIMEOUT | backend.lifetime.webhook | 2000 | milliseconds |
WEBHOOK_URL | backend.serviceUrls.WEBHOOK_URL | undefined | endpoint on the Account Servicing Entity that consumes webhook events |
WEBHOOK_WORKERS | backend.workers.webhook | 1 | number of workers processing webhook events |
WEBHOOK_WORKER_IDLE | backend.workerIdle | 200 | time in milliseconds that WEBHOOK_WORKERS will wait until they check an empty webhook event queue again |
WITHDRAWAL_THROTTLE_DELAY | backend.withdrawalThrottleDelay | undefined | delay in liquidity withdrawal processing |
ENABLE_MANUAL_MIGRATIONS | backend.enableManualMigrations | false | When set to true, user needs to run database manually with command npm run knex -- migrate:latest --env production |
Variable | Helm Value Name | Default | Description |
ACCESS_TOKEN_DELETION_DAYS | auth.accessToken.deletionDays | 30 | days until expired or revoked access tokens are deleted |
ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY_SECONDS | auth.accessToken.expirySeconds | 10 * 60 | expiry time in seconds for access tokens (default: 10 minutes) |
ADMIN_PORT | auth.port.admin | 3003 | Admin API GraphQL Server port |
AUTH_DATABASE_URL |, auth.postgresql.port, auth.postgresql.username, auth.postgresql.database, auth.postgresql.password | postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/auth_development | Postgres database URL of database storing the grant data; For Helm, these components are provided individually. |
AUTH_PORT | auth.port.auth | 3006 | port of this Open Payments Auth Server |
AUTH_SERVER_URL | Public endpoint for this Rafiki instance’s public Open Payment routes. | ||
COOKIE_KEY | auth.cookieKey | koa KeyGrip key that is used to sign cookies for an interaction session | |
DATABASE_CLEANUP_WORKERS | auth.workers.cleanup | 1 | number of workers processing expired or revoked access tokens |
IDENTITY_SERVER_URL | auth.identityServer.domain | endpoint of the identity server controlled by the Account Servicing Entity | |
IDENTITY_SERVER_SECRET | auth.identityServer.secret | API key to fetch the identity server endpoint | |
INCOMING_PAYMENT_INTERACTION | auth.interaction.incomingPayment | false | flag - incoming payments grant requests are interactive or not |
INTERACTION_EXPIRY_SECONDS | auth.interactionExpirySeconds | 600 | time in seconds for which a user can interact with a grant request |
INTERACTION_PORT | auth.port.interaction | 3009 | Port number for the interaction APIs |
INTROSPECTION_PORT | auth.port.introspection | 3007 | port of this Open Payments Auth - Token Introspection Server |
LIST_ALL_ACCESS_INTERACTION | true | Specify whether grant requests including a list-all action should require interaction. In these requests, the client asks to list resources that they themselves did not create. | |
LOG_LEVEL | auth.logLevel | info | Pino Log Level |
NODE_ENV | auth.nodeEnv | development | node environment, development , test , or production |
QUOTE_INTERACTION | auth.interaction.quote | false | flag - quote grants are interactive or not |
REDIS_TLS_CA_FILE_PATH | auth.redis.tlsCaFile | '' | Redis TLS config |
REDIS_TLS_CERT_FILE_PATH | auth.redis.tlsCertFile | '' | Redis TLS config |
REDIS_TLS_KEY_FILE_PATH | auth.redis.tlsKeyFile | '' | Redis TLS config |
REDIS_URL | , auth.redis.port | redis:// | The connection URL for Redis. For Helm, these components are provided individually. |
TRUST_PROXY | false | flag to use X-Forwarded-Proto header to determine if connections is secure | |
WAIT_SECONDS | auth.grant.waitSeconds | 5 | wait time included in grant request response (grant.continue ) |
ENABLE_MANUAL_MIGRATIONS | auth.enableManualMigrations | false | When set to true, user needs to run database manually with command npm run knex -- migrate:latest --env production |
Variable | Helm Value Name | Default | Description |
GRAPHQL_URL | frontend.serviceUrls.GRAPHQL_URL | http://localhost:3001/graphql | URL for the GraphQL Admin API |
OPEN_PAYMENTS_URL | frontend.serviceUrls.OPEN_PAYMENTS_URL | http://localhost:3003/ | Open Payments API Endpoint |
PORT | frontend.port | 3005 | Port from which to host the Remix app |
ENABLE_INSECURE_MESSAGE_COOKIE | undefined | Values of true , t , 1 will not use a secure message cookie which is required for flash messages to work over http. When not set, the secure flag is set according to NODE_ENV . |